Okay, here is the deal. Kristin and I have been complaining now for some time about this high gas price garbage. So after much thought and discussion we are throwing down and going to skoot. I am going to skoot to work during the warm months because it hit me last week when I filled up and the ticker hit $95 at the pump that, "man I could have a skooter paid off by the end of the summer for how much it costs to fill up the truck." So, with "SAFETY" being the the biggest concern (yes I am going to buy a helmet as well) we are going to buy a skooter. Above is the exact model we are buying except this years model with a few new modifications. I am going with Black and Silver because I don't want to look like the teenie bopper/college fad cruising down the street in a shiny red or blue or purple gizmo. So wish me safety and good riding. Unfortunately I couldn't talk Kristin into a Harley but this is the next best thing, right? NOT! Oh well since this one only goes 55mph maybe I won't be tempted by high speeds. I do commute a total of 8-9 miles each way to work so this will help a bunch on gas. Instead of spending $100 every two weeks to fill up, now it will cost me $4.00. Should be fun, we will see. I will let ya'll know how it goes when it ships in a couple of weeks.